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Features & Fees



Specific features may vary by site, but below is a list of some of what you can expect with your BioLabs membership. Contact sites directly to learn more about local features.


Access to exclusive member events ranging from social hours to seminars and fireside chats


Benefits +  perks through service providers and
industry partners

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On-demand lab and office space


Capital Connections Access to leading industry partners through our sponsors + network; as well as pre-eminent in legal, regulatory + science


On-site concierge including scientific support and event staff


Cafe (coffee + healthy snacks) and community spaces to eat, meet and collaborate


Centralized + group purchasing along with shipping and receiving support with BioLabs Marketplace

Environmental Health + Safety (EHS) support as well as chemical-waste storage and hazardous-waste handling + removal


High-speed internet, 24/7 conference rooms, printers and copiers



Flexible, on-demand lab & office spaces with clear pricing. Contact sites directly to learn more about local prices.

Monthly Membership

Access to conference rooms, event space and non-lab amenities, billed per-person.


Laboratory Bench

Access to fully equipped coworking lab. Start with a single bench and scale up as you grow. Billed per-bench.


Private Lab

Ample space for your growing teams. Sizes and prices per lab vary by location.


Open Office Desk

Access to fully equipped coworking office workstations and amenities.


Private Office

 Sizes and prices vary by location.

Graduate Suites

Price and availability varies by location.

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State-of-the-art premium lab equipment to help you start science on day one and decrease your capital costs. Contact sites directly to learn more about local equipment offerings.

Cell Counters

Digital, fluorescent-capable cell counters to provide accurate measurements for all your experiments from Chemometec and Invitrogen.

Cold Storage

Fridges, freezers and a walk-in cold room for all your experimental needs. This includes -20 and -80 degree freezers, and 4C fridges.


Temperature and CO2 controlled shaking and static incubators from brands like Eppendorf and PHCbi.

PCR Machines

PCR and Real-time PCR machines from Eppendorf, ThermoFisher Scientific and more.


Various centrifuges including refrigerated microcentrifuges, benchtop and highspeed models from brands like ThermoFisher Scientific, Eppendorf, Beckman-Coulter and more.


New Agilent 1260 HPLC featuring a vial sampler and quarternary pump.

Sterilization Equipment

Autoclave and glassware washer on site for laboratory sterilization needs.


Various microplate shakers, incubator shakers, and vortexers from brands such as Eppendorf and Fisher Scientific

Flow Cytometry

Powerful and highly-customizable flow cytometers for cell analysis from ThermoFisher Scientific and more.



Digital imaging stations from Li-Cor and Syngene.


Various microscopes including digital, fluorescent and inverted models from Olympus, Nikon, iRis and more.

Fluorometers and Spectrophotometers

Powerful and highly-customizable flow cytometers for cell analysis from ThermoFisher Scientific and more.

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