Ten months after the groundbreaking ceremony, the first pre-built modules for BioLabs new building were delivered and placed on the Heidelberg Innovation Park (hip) last week. With an overall impressive speed, the modular construction units were stacked up within less than a week to complete the ground floor of the four-floor building where BioLabs will provide early-stage biotech companies with fully equipped and maintained laboratories.
Gustav Zech Stiftung Management GmbH (GZSM) is responsible for the building and was joined by City of Heidelberg’s mayor Prof. Dr Eckart Würzner, Heidelberg Technology Park and BioLabs to visit the construction site. The completion of the building is scheduled for the end of 2022.
BioLabs Heidelberg will have more than 2,000 square meters of fully scalable laboratory and office space filled with great life-science start-up companies. Companies will benefit from both a dynamic ecosystem to inspire their research activities, development, and growth.

BioLabs Heidelberg will be a catalyst for growth and entrepreneurship in Germany’s Rhine-Main-Neckar area, enabling the development of tomorrow’s life-science technologies.
Read more in the press release (in GERMAN) of the city of Heidelberg